Share price of OAO Surgutneftegaz
Surgutneftegaz (JSC Surgutneftegaz) is one of the largest Russian oil and gas companies. Carries out activities in the field of prospecting, exploration and production of hydrocarbons. The companys recoverable oil and natural gas reserves are about 2.5 billion tons of oil equivalent.
Number of shares: 35,725.35 million
Surgutneftegaz share price today
Company name | Price per share, RUB |
Surgutneftegaz |
The stock price is shown at the time the page is loaded (19:54 8.02.2025). To get the latest data, just refresh the page.
Surgutneftegaz share price dynamics
Change in the value of Surgutneftegaz shares (RUB)
The chart shows the current price of Gazprom shares.