Fundamentals of Investing

Share dividends, share split
Features of the formation of dividends, changes in the price of shares during the payment of dividends, when they are paid. Some features of stock split and reverse stock split.

What is a share split
Split of shares of companies: what is it and how does it affect the price of shares. The pros and cons of a stock split and how you can benefit from it.

Cyclical and non-cyclical companies
Types of companies in the stock market behave differently during crises and growth. Cyclical and non-cyclic companies, how to distinguish and use them.

Investment risk assessment
Assessment and classification of risks when investing in securities. How to correctly assess and minimize risks, which should not be forgotten.

Stock Market Strategies
What strategies to use when trading stocks in the stock market. Features of the correct choice of strategy, their pros and cons.

Ratio of income and expenses
How to properly plan profit and loss. How to minimize them when trading securities. Drawing up a profit / loss plan.
How to earn income from investments
Investment is the investment of money or capital in a certain activity with the expectation of income or profit.
In theory, its pretty simple: your investment is working for you. In fact, this is another way to make money. Since childhood, we have been taught that money is earned at work. And this is true in most cases. And in order to get more, you need to work harder. Plus, theres a limit to how much we can work, not to mention its not fun to have money and not have time to spend it.
You cant clone yourself in order to increase your working time, you can change your point of view, money can be made not only at work. Going to work and working for your uncle, you earn only during working hours and do not earn when you sleep, have breakfast or just chat with friends. In general, the choice is yours, make your money work for you or look for a high-paying job.
There are many ways to invest. It can be investing in stocks, bonds, mutual funds or real estate, your business. Each path has its pros and cons. But, the main idea is to make money work for you and bring you profit.
Real investments are not money thrown to the wind or in a random investment project. This is a thorough analysis and an investment only under conditions where there is a reasonable expectation of profit. Yes, there is almost always a risk, but investing is more than just waiting for luck.
Investing can be one of the ways to maintain and improve your financial situation.