Terms of Use
The site "Fond ru" (fondru.com) and its owners have no connection with the shares of companies and securities considered on the site. All information posted on the site is taken from open sources on the Internet. All trademarks and trademarks placed on the site are used only for the design of materials on the pages of the site and serve to promote these trademarks and trademarks rather than to deceive and mislead site visitors. However, if you think that the site owners violate your rights to some extent and you are against the use of your intellectual property on the pages of the site, then us about it and we will try to resolve the differences that have arisen.
This site is for informational purposes only. No warranties, express or implied, are provided. You use the information you receive at your own risk. The site owners are not responsible for loss of data, damage, loss of profits, money or any other kind of loss associated with the use (correct or incorrect) of information from this site.
The users themselves are responsible for the content of the comments left by users on the pages of the site. This site only provides an opportunity to express your opinion on certain issues. The owners of the site do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed by users and do not undertake to judge them. However, the site administration reserves the right to remove comments without explanation. Comments containing obscene language, insults, as well as information that violates applicable law will be edited or deleted.
Have a nice job!