Mutual investment fund or individual management?
In order to preserve and possibly increase their savings, the owner has to invest them - invest in certain financial instruments. The most common and less risky way of investing is bank deposits. But the desire to earn extra money in the securities market is associated with a certain risk and absolutely non-guaranteed profitability. Nevertheless, despite the crisis, which demonstrated the unreliability of the modern financial structure of the world, the popularity of investing in the stock market is gradually growing.
The most accessible, not requiring special training, ways to enter the securities markets are the transfer of funds to individual trust management (ITM) and the acquisition of shares of collective investment funds (UIFs). Which tool to choose?
First of all, the selection criterion is the amount of investment. The minimum amount for transfer to individual trust management is usually one million rubles.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both ways of investing. Investments in mutual funds are strictly regulated by law, therefore they are more conservative, more reliable, but also, as a rule, a less profitable instrument. Equity mutual funds show high returns in a growing market, but mutual fund managers fail to save their earnings when the trend changes. The reason is that the current legislation prohibits having a large share of cash in the portfolio of a mutual fund: it is almost impossible to withdraw assets from a falling market. The advantages of mutual funds include more loyal taxation: income tax is paid only when shares are sold from actually earned, finally recorded income. The remuneration of the management company, as a rule, is 2-3% of the value of assets per year and does not depend on performance.
By transferring funds to the IMU, the investor chooses a more risky, but also more profitable and more flexible instrument. Individual trust management is not limited to investment objects, like mutual funds. The manager can not only leave the falling market in time, enter the cash, but also earn on the decline in quotes using margin trading. In addition, an individual manager can earn on the derivatives market, as well as hedge risks using his tools. The remuneration of the manager at the IMU depends on the results of his activities, because he receives a percentage of the income. This is a serious incentive that ensures a conscientious and responsible attitude to the assets of the principal.